
Science at Broadheath

‘The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.’

William Lawrence Bragg

Our Intent in Science: 

At Broadheath, we encourage children to ‘be scientists.’ We have an exciting and creative science curriculum which develops children’s curiosity and scientific skills through a range of topics. Children build on their prior learning each year to expand their skills and build a strong subject knowledge. Children are encouraged to ask open ended questions to support their learning about our universe as well as promoting respect. Our ‘believe-practice-succeed’ ethos underpins all aspects of the science curriculum.

The Science Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop a deep understanding of the world around them through all of the three areas of science (biology, chemistry and physics.)
  • Use different types of scientific enquiries to understand the nature, processes and methods of science.
  • Access an enquiry-based approach which encourages them to ask and answer their own scientific questions.
  • Begin their learning journey in EYFS, where science is taught through exploration and plenty of hands-on discovery.
  • Have a weekly science lesson in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
  • Have the opportunity to develop their ‘working scientifically’ skills (observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, researching using secondary sources, and comparative and fair testing.)

The knowledge and skills required to excel in this subject are set out in the progression documents below.

 How We Implement Science: 

Our science lessons cover a broad range of topics from the National Curriculum as well as embedding the skills required to work scientifically alongside this.

Science lessons at Broadheath start with a question, where the children are given the opportunity to discuss their prior learning and what they would like to learn about the topic. Teachers plan an engagingpractical and collaborative sequence of lessons which the children enjoy and adaptive practices ensure that every pupil can access the curriculum; allowing children to work scientifically to solve problems and address misconceptions.


The children at Broadheath enjoy funengaging and highquality science lessons that provide them with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. Children build a strong scientific knowledge base, alongside science skills to support them in their learning journey and the wider world. The children are able to use the correct scientific vocabulary and language to further develop their understanding of key concepts throughout school and beyond.

Cultural Capital:

Children have lots of opportunities to see science in ‘real life’ through the use of our expansive outdoor area, school trips, STEM projects and connections with STEM experts.

We learn about many famous scientists however, making connections to the possibilities of science beyond the classroom is not simply listing science jobs or learning about famous scientists, but it is about the connections the children can make through the possibilities that we open up for them at Broadheath.

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