Religious Education
Religious Education at Broadheath Primary School
“Like the bee gathering honey from different flowers, the wise person accepts the essence of the different scriptures, and sees only the good in all religions.” Gandhi
Our intent in RE
We want to inspire our children to develop a deepening knowledge and understanding about a range of religious and non-religious world views. In our RE curriculum we will nurture our children’s growth mindset and provide opportunities for them to “Believe, Practise and Succeed”.
The children will:
● Acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain; to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour.
● Form their own opinions about religious beliefs and customs.
● Develop an understanding and tolerance of different faiths.
● Be culturally aware of the world around them and are aware of some of the impact of religion throughout the world, its influences on the lives of individuals and communities.
● Have self-awareness and self-respect and help pupils develop their social and moral development by encouraging a positive attitude and valuing the beliefs of others, however different from their own.
● Develop skills of enquiry and response through the use of religious vocabulary, questioning and empathy.
How we Implement our RE curriculum
At Broadheath Primary School we strive to create a R.E curriculum which inspires and challenges pupils with enthusiasm, knowledge, skills and understanding of different religions and world views. We use adaptive practise, ensuring RE is engaging and accessible to all. RE at Broadheath acknowledges that children have a right to choose a religion, or to have no religion (Article 14), and that they must show respect and tolerance for all. Our Religious Education curriculum is taught through the new Trafford SACRE Agreed Syllabus (2022-27) and planning follows the scheme of work.
This agreed syllabus requires that all pupils learn from Christianity in each key stage. In addition, pupils will learn from the principal religions represented in the UK, in line with the law. In EYFS, children will encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it. At Key stage 1 these religions are Islam and Judaism with the addition of Hinduism at Key stage 2. Furthermore, non-religious worldviews, including for example Humanism and Green religion will also be the focus for study.
The strands of RE in the EYFS, Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 are:
- Believing – Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth
- Expressing – Religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions about identity and diversity
- Living – Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitments.
The Impact of our RE curriculum
Children at our school develop the knowledge and skills to help them understand the main aspects of key religions and world views and the similarities and differences between them. They can ask and answer challenging questions and know that not all questions will have answers. Our children are respectful of all faiths and beliefs and can reflect upon their own beliefs. Religious Education contributes to our children becoming culturally aware of theirs and others cultural heritage. Through studying religious identity and belonging they are keen to make a positive and helpful contribution to their own community.
Cultural Capital
Our children are able to explore the culture and values of different religions and worldviews and to develop the skills needed to navigate a society in which different cultures and religions are present. We value the skills of listening and dialogue which enable mutual understanding and respect.
At Broadheath we:
● Receive visitors from different faith communities and welcome our families to share their celebrations and experiences with us.
● Visit places of worship of different faith communities.
● Engage with music, dance, drama, cookery and the arts inspired by religions and worldviews
● Explore a range of items and artefacts to aid our teaching of key religions.
● Have links with our local church St Albans.
● Have Whole school RE days where we all work on the same theme. KS2 children have also worked with younger classes at this time.