Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Reception
Welcome to Reception at Broadheath Primary School. In our Reception classes you and your child are part of our class family and we want to support your children to be happy and the best they can be. A key theme that runs throughout school and starts in Early Years is the development of a strong Growth Mindset where every child follows our school motto of Believe, Practise, Succeed! This supports your child to think creatively and develop strong resilience. Our Habits of Mind help every child to become a successful learner. Our learning is always very practical and mostly through play both indoors and outdoors.
We work closely with parents and previous settings to know your child as best as we can before they arrive in class. We feel our focus on transition helps your children happily settle at school and successfully begin their learning journey. Parents can see what we are learning in school every day through Class Dojo and can keep in direct contact with teachers. We regularly invite parents to come into class to share celebrations and festivals from a range of cultures. We offer an open-door policy where you can speak to teachers at the start and end of each day. We offer workshops for parents throughout the year on phonics, communication and language and maths.
Our environment is purpose built with a large indoor and outdoor area which we adapt to the needs of the children. The children have free flow access to indoor and outdoor play throughout the day where exciting activities are set up to promote learning, independence and key skills. We provide opportunities for real life experiences throughout the year including eggs to chicks, a trip to the farm and walks around the local area.
We meet the needs of all children and support every child to grow into each individual, unique person they are. There are also a variety of extracurricular activities available such as piano lessons, karate, multi sports, dance classes and drama. In school we have a very experienced in-house speech therapist to support children with any speech and language needs. As a team we offer interventions for any child who needs extra support in any area. If your child has additional needs we will work alongside you to support every child’s development. For our families who have English as an additional language we offer regular informal meetings as a chance to talk, make new friends and ask any questions.
At Broadheath Primary School we prioritise your child’s personal social and emotional development, we follow a scheme of work called Think Equal which helps to develop your child’s emotional intelligence. In school we also have a pastoral lead who supports families and children.
FAQ for parents of children starting Reception