Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our year group philosophy

All pupils at Broadheath Primary School develop a growth mindset in which they exercise respect, resilience and responsibility. The metacognitive teaching in year 4 allows pupils to reflect on skills learnt and apply these into their current learning. They are active in achieving their individual targets and are always encouraged to reflect our school motto, ‘Believe, Practise, Succeed’. Additionally, we nurture their growth mindset, fostering self-belief and instilling our school’s ‘Habits of Mind.’

Our curriculum

In year 4 we explore an exciting range of diverse texts. These texts allow pupils to access inspiring and interesting stories from a variety of cultural backgrounds. In doing this, pupils not only develop their understanding, but also apply the British values. Parental communication is key in year 4 and we use Class Dojo to engage with parents.

We have developed a creative curriculum which builds on pupils’ curiosity, it covers a wide range of topics including, Marvellous Mountains, Disgusting Digestion and Roving Romans!  Our aim in Year 4 is to enthuse the children and promote curiosity across a broad and balanced curriculum, encouraging learning to take place both in the classroom and outdoors. At Broadheath we are lucky to have a full class set of Chromebooks. This allows pupils’ to independently research a given topic and allows them to be digitally creative using a wide range of platforms.

With a highly professional and hardworking support staff, the year 4 team can support the individual need of the pupil. This ranges from academic, SEND and  pastoral support.

We have high expectations of year 4 pupils and we strive to develop the whole pupil. This allows and encourages students to shine and recognise their full potential.

Wider Opportunities

Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities at Broadheath Primary School. The wide range of activities include music lessons, sports coaching and drama/art. Pupil voice is also used to set up extra-curricular clubs that pupils have expressed interest in such as, Chess club and Lego club. In Year 4, our students have the chance to participate in swimming sessions, enabling them to master a crucial life skill while encouraging them to step beyond their comfort zones.


    Building wonderful classroom communities with parents, carers and pupils.

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