Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

From learning about forces through hands-on experiments to delving into the thrilling world of Alex Rider and espionage, our Creative Curriculum allows children to develop their curiosity and problem-solving skills. As it is the start of Upper Key Stage 2, we focus on encouraging children to develop their independence, resilience and creativity. In all subjects, we have high expectations and challenge the pupils to achieve their full potential.

As always, we continue to encourage all pupils to have a growth mindset following the school motto of ‘Believe, Practise, Succeed’. On a daily basis, children use technology, such as ChromeBooks, to complete research, present their work and improve their digital literacy. This use of technology promotes independence and ownership of their work, and prepares them for the future.

There are many roles and responsibilities in Year 5, such as Online Safety Ambassadors, Library Monitors and Road Safety Officers.

Wider Opportunities

Here is a snapshot of some of the wider opportunities on offer to our Year 5 pupils:

School Council, Sporting events, Financial Literacy, STEM projects, Pupil Ambassador roles, Marketplaces, Poetry by Heart, extra-curricular activities and choir.


We have an inclusive residential trip to YHA Castleton in the heart of the Peak district. This is a particular highlight of our school year. For some, it is the first instance of the children being away from home, which promotes responsibility, independence and problem solving. This also has cross-curricular links to our English work. There are many exciting missions for the children which include team building and learning outdoors.


All Year 5 children take part in a Samba concert at the end of the Autumn term, after ten weeks of expert tuition from the Trafford Music Service.

Building wonderful classroom communities with parents, carers and pupils.

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