Personal Social and Health Education
PSHE at Broadheath Primary School
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Aristotle
Our Intention
The intention of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum at Broadheath Primary School is to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It underpins every aspect of school life and is integral to ensuring that we develop the whole child.
Our PSHE curriculum has been carefully planned and structured to reflect the needs of our children in line with the National Curriculum.
Our Implementation
EYFS: Think Equal Project
THINK EQUAL is a global not-for-profit charity. Their mission is to teach all children that all humans are equal and equally to be valued. To eliminate discrimination, disrespect, and violence from the next generation, and bring empathy, wellbeing, loving relationships, pro-social behaviours and attitudes in their place.
Underpinning the Think Equal Programme is its theory of change, and the belief in the child as an autonomous, empowered being. The six ‘I Am’ statements through which the children participate are:
I Have A Strong Sense of Who I Am
I Am Able to Look After Myself
I Am Able to Look After Others
I Am Able to Communicate
I Am Able to Contribute and Create
I Am A Critical Thinker.
KS1/KS2: Jigsaw
We use the Jigsaw programme to deliver our PSHE lessons in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, but there are always occasions where teachers may feel it necessary to teach PSHE as a result of an issue arisen in their own class, school or within the local community/world. PSHE is integral to the development of children’s values in order for them to become positive citizens in a forever changing world.
PSHE is covered within specific lessons in each year group as well as assemblies and is taught within the wider curriculum. We have appropriate members of the community visiting our school to embed PSHE statements. Our school displays also reinforce our PSHE curriculum. We celebrate awareness days and key events during the year to enhance children’s understanding of PSHE statements, such as Children in Need, mental health awareness days.
This provides our children with learning and understanding of worldwide issues.
We are aware that the delivered curriculum must reflect the needs of our pupils and is accessible to all. Teaching strategies are varied, mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for adaptive practices, whilst ensuring that our pupils.
- It aims to help our children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and challenges many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
- Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to our school and the wider community.
- At Broadheath Primary School we deliver the PSHE curriculum by developing first hand experience and sharing good practice.
- We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
- We expect teachers to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risks and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions in life including the online world.
- We support children to manage their emotions and tackle challenges by practising mindfulness, developing a growth mindset, exploring habits of mind and using the Zones of Regulation.
- Talk Tuesdays enable pupils to develop their philosophical thinking skills.
Our Impact
Our children are spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and socially developed; this includes a growth in knowledge and understanding of self, and the world in which we live. They foster a self-esteem and a sense of responsibility to others and the world around, which is a reflection of the diverse foundations of Broadheath Primary School.
Children have the confidence to share their own views and ask questions in a safe and supportive environment. They are respectful citizens who have empathy and an understanding of people from different circumstances to their own; including different religions, cultures and families. Through the sharing of stories, visitors and teaching of British Values, children will have more awareness of diversity within both their school and wider community, as well as family make-ups, to help prepare children for Modern Britain.
Cultural capital
Our students have the vital knowledge required to become thoughtful and successful members of our community who understand and believe in British values. Our curriculum reflects this. Our children will respect others and embrace everyone’s similarities and differences. They will have a wide range of experiences which will prepare them for being responsible citizens. These include, but are not limited to: Diversity week, Mental health week, Safer Internet Day, Road safety week, Anti-bullying week (also covered in Jigsaw lessons), Charity links, Healthy Lifestyles Week and annual themed days