Art and Design

Art and Design at Broadheath

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves and to explore what is possible”

Maryann F. Kohl

At Broadheath Primary School, we strive to create an Art curriculum that engages and inspires children to express their individual creativity and to produce their own works of art. Creativity is encouraged from the very beginning of our children’s school experience.



Our Intent in Art

Our art and design curriculum promotes curiosity and empowers our children to be independent and resilient artists.

  • Within EYFS, children are immersed in art in a child-initiated way, through Expressive Arts and Design.
  • By going beyond the National Curriculum’s statutory requirements, our children will have no limits to what their ambitions are. They will grow up inspired to be designers, illustrators, graphic designers, curators, sculptors and painters.
  • Our curriculum has been carefully crafted so that our children develop their artistic capital through deliberately planned lessons that develop specific key skills.
  • By exploring a range of artistic work, children will take inspiration from The Greats.
  • Through engaging, inspiring lessons, the children will develop key, technical and artistic vocabulary to describe their own work and others’.
  • We provide an art club every half term where the children are able to work alongside professional artists and develop confidence in their creative abilities.

Children will learn about key figures from Art ranging from Van Gogh to Kandinsky to Picasso.

 How we implement our Art curriculum

Our curriculum develops creativity, sets challenges, engages and inspires children to stretch their understanding of the world. We are passionate about equipping the children with the knowledge they need to experiment and invent by critically exploring art and design. As they progress, they will be encouraged to think critically to develop a rigorous understanding of art and design. The children will engage in an exciting curriculum that supports them to understand how art and design contribute to the culture, creativity, history and wealth of our nation, both locally and internationally. Through an exciting, engaging curriculum, we want to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

The Impact of our Art curriculum

A Broadheath artist will be able to have the confidence to create artwork beyond their expectations. They will be able to reflect on their own and others’ work in order to take ownership of their creative development. Through exhibitions and celebrations of their work, the children will continue to believe in themselves as artists and inspire their future success.We pride ourselves on providing learning opportunities that are accessible and ambitious for all learners, enabling all children to make progress and have a sense of achievement. We achieve this through allowing skills to be scaffolded and extended as appropriate. We also create an ethos of not being afraid to make ‘mistakes,’ but instead, for children to be risk-takers, problem solvers and to develop resilience.

Cultural Capital

Broadheath provides the children opportunities to develop their cultural capital, which forms the foundation of our art and design curriculum. Through an appreciation of culture, we want to inspire the children to realise their artistic potential and broaden their understanding beyond what they think is possible. When they leave Broadheath, the children will be prepared to continue their artistic development and be ready to effectively contribute to an increasingly creative work force.


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