Dear Parent(s) / Carer(s)

As you are aware half term is fast approaching, I am reminding you that we are back in on Tuesday 30th October.

This Friday we are having an own clothes day in aid of our charity Ugandaid. Should your child(ren) wish to take part, please send them in their own clothes with a £1 donation for Ugandaid.

Please note that we have a Multisports club running for the half term should your child wish to take part, it is essential to book them in for each day that you would like them to attend at £12 per day and £50 for the whole week. It is running from 09:00hrs to 3:30pm here at school, with an option for an early drop off.

Rascals will also be running over the half term should you need cover for a longer day.

Finally we are looking to change the way in which we operate lunch times, we are going to be changing our payment provider in November and I would ask you to run down your ‘parent pay accounts for lunches, ensuring that you have sufficient funds in their to cover up to and including Friday 2nd November.

Key Stage one – For all children from reception to Y2, lunches are paid for and therefore there is no action required at this stage. Lunches will continue to be paid for in these year groups, however there will be a new way to order lunches for your child from the menu provided online. Packed lunches remain unaffected, however there are sandwich options available should you wish to move on to the new system. In order to do this you must notify school to change your preference.

The new system is electronic and will allow children and Parent(s) / Carer(s) to make informed choices and have a wider variety to choose from, as well as giving us more flexibility and further reducing waste. You will be receiving more details about the new system throughout this week.

Yours sincerely,
K. Lyde

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